Wednesday, September 13, 2017

None Dare Say His Name

Ever since it was announced that Donald Trump had enough electoral votes to claim victory in the 2016 Presidential election, liberals realized that America now faced a threat greater than ever before. The very foundations of our Democratic order were being questioned by the bullying, reality show TV star now pretending to be President of the United States.

The need for resistance to the usurper was obvious, but there was one problem: his name. Trump had made a fortune just on the use of his name, and liberals did not want to give his brand even more exposure than it was already receiving. How can he be attacked, if we can't even say his name? Essentially, his critics just have decided to use the term “45,” for instance to avoid using the name “Trump.”

I totally disagree.

Yes, I too, avoided his name at first, using the more accurate term “The Oligarch” instead. But, as I watched Trump flail aimlessly in his first 6 months, I realized that his name was actually his Achilles Heel weakness .

Sadly, it became obvious right away that Trump ran for the Presidency with some serious misconceptions about how government worked. When he took office, he behaved exactly like a wealthy businessman would, sitting at his desk, imperiously issuing one order after another, and demanding that Congress jump to his bidding. He still does not seem to understand the “three equal branches of government” thing, and seems mystified as to why Congress is not just following his orders.

I do not believe Donald Trump will complete his term of office, and I think he will leave on his own choice..

And we can make it happen.

All it will take is for us to start using his name – often and loudly. The modern Germans have essentially demonized the name “Hitler” in their country and his name is rarely heard or spoken there. The horrors of his misdeeds were considered so reprehensible, his name was forever tarnished.

We need to do the same thing to Donald Trump. We need to make sure every citizen understands the man’s mendacity, dishonesty, and lack of human compassion. We need to expose every corruption, reveal every scandal, and make sure that the name “Trump” is associated with all of it. We need to make it so no decent person would use his name in polite company, again.

We could start with associating a terrible word along with “Trump,” essentially using his own favorite tactic against him (“Lyin’ Ted”. “Little Marco,” “Crooked Hillary,” etc.).  I favor alliterations, so I will throw out the word “Tyrant” just to get the conversation going. . “Trump the Terrible” is accurate, but a little unwieldly.

We have learned one thing about Donald since he has been in office – he is incredibly vain and cannot perceive why everybody does not worship him. He proudly flouts his name, and allows it to be pasted on golf courses, luxury hotels and office towers. If the Trump name can be denigrated to the point where it starts affecting his bottom line, he will quickly take notice. As the scandals mount, eventually Trump will realize that playing President was a lot harder than his former roles. As the demonstrations grow, his “brand” will not look so attractive to developers. At some point, he will have to understand that his public incompetence is seriously hurting his undeserved reputation as being a “good business man.”

So I say – keep up the pressure. Attach his name to every protest sign. Make sure the voting public associates that name with the values that Trump promotes – intolerance, bigotry, greed and racism. Every homeless encampment should be called a “Trumpville.” Our disintegrating health care system should be called “Trumpcare” at every opportunity. If we can destroy the Trump name in the same way they did President Obama’s, we may be able to make him see the light and retire from public life.  I will continue doing my part, pointing out how abominable our situation is, and reminding people who is behind it all. After all….”Tyrant Trump” has a nice ring to it…….

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